

Attention is the sine qua non of all dog training.  Only an attentive dog can learn, hear, or obey.  So it is the first thing you must teach your dog.

Training various sorts of attention is not very difficult.  The challenge for me is deciding exactly what you want--


Obviously the ideal is a delicate balance of these two extremes, but to me it is a challenge to decide precisely where is the optimal balance.

The most basic method of teaching attention is also probably the best.  You take treats and hold them in each hand.  You sit or stand in front of your dog.  Your dog will sniff around your hands trying to get the treat.  After a little while he will look up at you with an expression that says, "Hey, idiot, open your hand!"  As soon as he looks into your eyes, give him a treat.  Do this over and over again, varying which hand gives the treat.  Do this with an 8 week old puppy!  Or whatever age your dog is.  Soon he will start to get the idea that the way to get the food is to look at your eyes.  Then you start holding his gaze for a little longer before rewarding, then longer, and soon he is staring at you!  At this point you go back and proof the exercise by having mild distractions in the room and still waiting for his attention before rewarding.  You can also mix this up by using toys instead of treats.